Only You Can Be You : What Makes You Different Makes You Great

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Only You Can Be You - What Makes You Different Makes You Great.jpg

Only You Can Be You : What Makes You Different Makes You Great


Authors: Sally and Nathan Clarkson - Illustrated by Tim Warnes

Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers - Published: 28th November 2019

ISBN: 9781400211432

Some kids like to dance and laugh out loud, and some sit quietly and make up stories in their heads; we're all different and that's okay, because the Maker of everything made us this way! In their first picture book, bestselling author Sally Clarkson and her son Nathan encourage children on the journey to discovering their strengths. The mother-and-son duo draws on themes from their first book, Different, the emotive story of Nathan's experiences growing up with mental illness and learning disabilities and Sally's journey to loving him unconditionally. With the powerful truth that what makes you different makes you great, Only You Can Be You will help children embrace their differences and celebrate it in others.

The irresistible rhymes paired with Tim Warnes's whimsical illustrations encourage your children with reassurance in their own uniqueness. Whether they are quiet or artistic, funny or boisterous, your children will love this heart-warming read that assures them they're wonderful exactly as they are. Only You Can Be You features a diverse cast of childrens for kids of all ages. A great resource for kids who feel like they don't fit in or that no one understands them. This an encouraging read for neurodiverse children and children on the spectrum.

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